Beyond our competitive rates and insurance, you'll also enjoy:

No maintenance fees
24/7 access through Online Banking or our Mobile App to check on your investment
Dividends that compound daily and are payable monthly

Related topics you may be interested in:
Retirement & Investment Calculators

Make a more informed decision as you secure your financial future with our retirement and investment calculators.

Savings Accounts

Looking for a more flexible savings account option that will help you meet your savings goals while still providing accessibility to your funds?


Money Manager

Money Manager allows you to view all your finances, including external accounts, in a single, elegant interface. With all your accounts visible in a single interface, you’ll be able to track your net worth over time and recognize trends that affect it.

Life Insurance

It’s good to know that when the time comes, you’ll be prepared. At Liberty Bay, we offer policies with affordable rates to fit your budget.

Make your savings work as hard as you do when you become a member at Liberty Bay

*All dividend rates are subject to change, and dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Visit our deposit rates page to view available terms, APY, and minimum deposit requirements. Early withdrawals of principal are subject to a substantial penalty.